Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Peopleodian - It Woke The Moon!

    3 percent drums
+ 12 percent Nintendo
+ 1 percent babesofdenton
+ 84 percent pedals
= Peopleodian

   Too much time
+ an unhealthy obsession with astral bodies 
= It Woke The Moon!

I'm pretty sure the only reason they even added vocals to this band was so that when the CD came out, you wouldn't think it was skipping.  Although the album has some interesting sounds, it mostly drones on and on, never peaking into anything worthwhile.  But really, who wants to hear eight songs about the fucking moon?  And don't try the recipe from “(TV Spot 34).”  It's like this record—bland.


  1. Your math is off. 3 of the 4 members have been on babesofdenton, thats gotta count for more than 1 percent. And I disagree, the TV Spot 34 recipe was delicious!

  2. If babesofdenton actually mattered, then it would have counted for more than 1%. We thought that we were being generous.
